御入会のお申込みは当ウェブサイト shop にて受付けております

The Seika launched on 1 November 2014. The members are limited to 1000.
Members receive three issues of Kogei Seika, discounts on back issues, priority in registration for various events organized by The Seika, and other benefits.
Membership costs 25,000 yen (No joining fee nor the shipping fee for every Kogei Seika needed).
You can join by purchasing “Membership” at our website (click shop).

ロゴの「青花」は初唐三大家のひとり、欧陽詢筆「九成宮醴泉銘」より採字したもの(タイプデザイン岡澤慶秀)。欧文書体 Joanna はイギリスの工芸家エリック・ギル作。表紙は毎号、工芸作品から文様をよりぬき、箔で捺します

Kogei Seika, No. 20.
Published in 2024 by Shinchosha, Tokyo
A4 in size, linen cloth coverd book with endpaper made of Japanese paper
152 Colour Plates, Frontispiece with a stencil dyed art work by Michiaki Mochizuki
Each chapter is accompanied by an English summary
Limited edition of 1200
The logo of Seika is designed from the Inscription on the Sweet Wine Spring at Jiucheng Palace by Ouyang Xun, one of the three great masters of calligraphy in the First Tang Dynasty (type design by Yoshihide Okazawa). For the typeface for English, we use Joanna by British artist Eric Gill. The book cover of every issue is with titling, a design taken from crafts.

御購入は当ウェブサイト shop から、もしくは各地の販売店でもお求めいただけます

We release Kogei Seika two to three times a year.
It is also available to non-members of the Seika.
You can purchase from our website or local retailers.
The price is 14,000 yen per book (excluding consumption tax and postage), limited to 1,200 copies (with serial numbers, including for members).
We are preparing Kogei Seika No. 21 to be published in the spring of 2025.

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